What a year 2015 was! We've learned, laughed, been frustrated, loved, travelled, changed. Here's are some of our favourite highlights from 2015:
2015 really felt like a year when I overcame my fears. I ran my first marathon, achieved some of my goals andI realised that I needed to start believing in myself and I could achieve the things that I want to do, previously I would of never thought that I could complete and run a marathon but I did. To never give up on something because it's difficult, to open up a bit more and to try new things. My favourite moments from 2015? Seeing Ed Sheeran live in concert, ticking off three new places on my travel list- Amsterdam, Malaysia and Philippines, visiting even more places in Hong Kong and enjoying and appreciating my family and friends. I really loved 2015, it was a big learning curve for me, full of ups and downs but overall a great year. Especially in the life lessons of realising nothing is perfect and happiness is a state of mind rather than a goal. 2015 was a big year of reflection for me and to overcome the limitations that I had put on myself.
Things that I will take for 2016? To keep on dreaming of new goals and trying to fulfil them, look after myself better- my brain and my body, being a better person towards society and to find something worth waking up for each morning. 2016 I'm totally ready for you, here's to another hopefully self-improving year.
Posts closest to my heart for 2015:
The Blind Pursuit of Happiness
For the girl who should say how she feels
The Illusion of Perfection
For the girl who fears everything
UN Global Goals
1. I paid my rent on time every month, ate a lot of good food, and had no regrets.
2. I finished my first 10km marathon.

3. I was promoted at work.
4. I made friends I could trust and who really cared.

5. I was healthy physically and mentally.
6. I went for countless walks, and met many dogs.

7. I set myself a goal for the year and achieved it.
8. I visited some beautiful places in Hong Kong.

9. I celebrated special days with my loved ones.

10. I helped to organise the company's annual dinner, and it was really fun. But I don't want to organize it again.

11. The annoying bf make me laugh every single day.
12. I went on a one night trip to Macau with my university mates and

13. I pampered myself and went for a luxury balayage hair treatment.

14. We visited family in Singapore and we spent a day in Universal Studio, the Zoo & the Night Safari.

15. I went home and hugged my lovely Bobo & Gigi.

Overall 2015 was a very jovial year for me, there was nothing bad about it (that I could remember) other than work frustrations - but hey that's inevitable.
For 2016, I've set myself three new goals, they're mostly about learning more and self-improvement. Well, I'm looking forward to sharing all the good stuff with you this year, and I hope you have a great one yourself :)
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