Working in an office means staring at the computer screen for around 9 hours is the norm for me (and most people!). I use use most my energy focusing on whats on my computer screen. Moving over from my previous job where I never had to stare at my computer for so long (except for my countless binge watching of Youtube videos)
I had heard about blue filter glasses from word of mouth, and I thought I would give them a try. This ones, I bought from Egg (blue block range) and they don't have any prescription as luckily I still don't require full time prescription glasses. After the first day of wearing them, my eyes felt less tired and the headache feeling that I had previously got went away, I did worry it was a placebo effect so I tried them for a week- still no headaches! Currently I've been wearing them for a few months now and definitely notice a difference, my eyes don't feel so tired and dry. However, even though you have an added blue filter added to your glasses, remember to take some breaks from your computer screen even if it is for a few seconds per hour!
I would highly recommend using these glasses if you've been experiencing the same problems that I had previously faced. I'm sure plenty of opticians have this filter range too now, you can inquire more instore. The egg range in Hong Kong is very affordable and I love their styles.
Aside from using glasses though, you can also download blue filter apps on your phone and desktop computers, protect your eyes peeps.
Glasses for Headaches
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Flashback to a few months ago when I wrote my first post about fighting fear, here's part two and how I'm doing with it.
So, I did a thing, a stupid thing- drunken me thought it was a good idea to 1) drunk text 2) tell the guy I liked that I liked him. I had been in this weird on off not sure friendship for the past few months, never knowing where I stood with this person and how I actually felt. It was the film 'love, Rosie/ where rainbows end' that did this to me too. This book/film is about two best friends who never truly admitted how they felt about each other, but spent a lot of their time hiding their true feelings. Years went by, they went on with their lives and I thought to myself, that these two people wasted so much of their time. If they had truly admitted how they felt, then they would of been so much happier. We spend a lot of our time not communicating, not admitting how we really feel about things, or pushing things to the side. Communication is key in any situation, and I wanted to communicate how I felt too.
I'm not a direct person, I'll bottle up my feelings and push them aside but at the same time I like knowing and having clarity. So I decided to stop pushing my feelings aside and just admit them. Apple's influence is to play here, she's a very direct person so I do have her good influence to thank.
1) Do you regret doing it?
Maybe how I did it, but I don't regret saying how I felt, as always the truth will set you free. I know the answer now and that makes me feel 100% better. I never have to think 'what if' and constantly self doubt myself or never know where I stood.
2) Are you sad?
I'm 10% sad, but 90% relieved, I had a feeling it was going to happen the way it was- I already had an idea what the answer would be. Please note, this is also a clear example of someone who is emotionally unavailable, a person who keeps her guard up. I probably should be more sad, right? Most girls would probably be quite upset, yet I'm really not. Also is it weird that I'm not that sad about it? I think so, I keep my expectations low so I don't get my hopes up too much. Maybe a part of me didn't like him as much as I thought I did too. I know that deep down, I had a feeling it would never really work. Also now I have my answer I know I can just move on.
3) Does he like you back?
Nope he doesn't and I think deep down I knew that he didn't but also part of me didn't care- I had a little flicker of hope and it was the unsurity that I didn't like about it all. I didn't know where I stood with this guy, and I wanted answers.
4) Why you should admit it and just tell them- if you're feeling the way I was, confused with where you stand with this person, you should. Yes, you may loose your pride (I think I lost a little of mine) but I don't have to keep wondering anymore. I don't have to waste my time and I can move on. If he likes you then that is amazing, you did it. But if he doesn't at least you know now, surely that's worth something? You can move on, close this chapter maybe even still be friends if you want this friendship. You owe it to yourself, right?
I feel better now, I wasted so much of my time not sure of my feelings, even though it didn't work out, I'm glad I did it. Side note too, we talked and decided being friends was the best option. Handling this like a real adult, what a shocker!
'If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.'
I got my answers and I'm doing okay, really. There's nothing quite like bearing your soul to the internet too.-Sophia x
Thursday, April 9, 2015
“It is so hard to leave—until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.”
― John Green, Paper Towns
I am the girl who leaves. I have never been like this, I used to stay, but not anymore. Pre- 2013 me would of stayed, but after deciding to move to the other side of the world, staying didn't seem to be the best option for me.
Leaving means giving yourself new opportunities for possibly meeting new people, new jobs, new everything really. But it also means you kind of turn into a flight risk. I'm constantly thinking of new places to go, new cities to visit and possibly relocating to other countries. This side of me is a positive reaction, but is also my undoing, it might be to do with the fear of missing out at play here. The world is so small and I have the best opportunities to go out and explore.
I think I should realise that staying isn't a negative thing either, staying leads to the whole commitment problems that deep down I have (previous post about commitment here). Also staying doesn't mean I'm giving up either. Remember that being happy and proud of the choices that I make is a result of committing.
It affects how I meet people too, I'm quick to make new friends but I only have a select few who I really want to keep. When it comes to dating I'm kind of the best candidate for it, as I never expect much from it I will never stay, I will walk away at the quickest opportunity and try to never look back. I'll never really give the person the proper chance that they should deserve, which ends to a double problem for me- maybe I'm missing out by not giving the person a chance and just leaving?
Saying all of this I don't regret my decision for leaving and relocating to Hong Kong at all, I've been given the best chances here and fulfilled one of my dreams too. Leaving gives you good chances, sometimes it's best to walk away from a situation that you know just isn't working out. However, I just need to learn that staying rooted is also a great thing too, I'm slowly settling down here, time to make those roots grow Sophia, staying still isn't so bad.
-Sophia x
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
T-Shirt- H&M
Kimono- Cotton On
Jeans- H&M
Shoes- Maud Frizon
Watch- Amazon/ Kahuna
Necklace- Accessorize
Rings (L-R)- Accessorize, Topshop, Pandora
Bangles- Gift
Bag- H&M
A few weeks ago, I took Michelle around one of my favourite places to be- Tai Po Waterfront Park ( 大埔海濱公園). I usually go running here, and I remember being taken here for cycling a few years ago and I fell in love with this place. This park covers a huge area of Tai Po, seperated into different areas from grass areas for picnics and kite flying to pier points. It also contains a bike trail to Tai Wai, as well as to famous Tai Mei Tuk if you're feeling up for a cycle & a BBQ!
The weather was lovely this day, so I paired some casual oversized boyfriend jeans, layering with my favourite Kimono and teal necklace. For the whole day, I felt the hippie vibes flow through, especially with the loose kimono, excessive rings and the ringing of bangles. We enjoyed watching the sunset go down and caught the beautiful silhouette of Tai Po.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
After browsing through the colourful displays of the Etude house stalls, this bright red caught my attention (RD302). Upon application it is super smooth and glides on my lips without any real need for pre-lip prepping (lip scrubs, balms etc) It also comes in the cutest girly packaging which gives it extra brownie points.
Longetivity wise, it stays on my lips for a good few hours even through eating and drinking. I applied this twice throughout the day I was wearing it. The finish is very smooth, an inbetween of a matte and shine finish. I don't usually wear bright red lipsticks, but this one really is a stunning colour up close, and I'm sure would suit a lot of skin tones. I will definitely look at the other shades from this range too ;)
-Sophia x
Friday, April 3, 2015
1. It's a good dog's world
If you are a dog lover, animal lover, is easily defeated by cuteness, is a dog or a puppy, your eyes will pop when you see the Sai Kung dog crowd! Bailey met so many new friends today :)
I only took photos of the small kids, but in Sai Kung, both big and small, fat and thin doggies are everywhere! :D They're super friendly too.
2. Pets are welcome
Since there are so many pups everywhere, most cafe and restaurants in Sai Kung are pet-friendly. Look at Bailey enjoying her tea. (nah not really, she had boring water only)3. The seafood is fresh and many.
There is a queue of fishermen boats along the pier with their freshly caught fish, prawn, lobsters, crabs, shellfish, starfish (I didn't know starfish were edible?!), and some other seafood I can't even identify. All sitting and waiting to be bought. Seafood restaurants can also be found all along the pier, in case you can't wait to taste the amazing catch.
4. Beach!
If you walk along the pier for around 15 minutes (many dogs will be walking with you), you'll find yourself at a beach! It's not the prettiest of beaches, but it's lovely and calm, with kayaks for rent, a BBQ spot, dogs swimming, sand, water.. you get the gist.
You can also rent a boat/yacht and go out to sea with your friends for a day.
There are many other activities you can do at Sai Kung, and I've only named a handful.
If you're looking for a laidback and close-to-sea spot to spend your weekend, Sai Kung is a good place to be. Do note that it can get quite crowded during public holidays or weekends since it's such a popular place for both locals and tourists.
What's A Good Running Playlist?
I'm a big lover of music but when it comes to running I need that extra kick of motivation and upbeat music to get me through that 5km. Here's a selection of what keeps me going when I run and hopefully get's you to do some dancing, yes you're about to get an insight into the real me, it's getting real guys. - Sophia.
Sophia's playlist:
1) Taylor Swift- Shake It Off
2) Mark Ronson- Uptown Funk ft Bruno Mars
3) Outkast- Hey Ya!
4) Rob Base and DJ E Z Rock- It Takes Two
5) Taylor Swift- Blank Space
6) Ed Sheeran- You Need Me, I Don't Need You.
Cus sometimes you've got to just shake it off whilst you run.
Apple's playlist
Some say that true runners don't have to listen to music when they run. I say that's rubbish! An upbeat tune can definitely lift anyone's spirits. What's more, plugging in makes me more focused during the run.
Spotify is one of my favourite apps, and actually one of the very few that i'm willing to pay for. For HKD48 every month, I get access to endless playlists for different types of workouts, without any annoying ads. Here are some of my most played running songs:
1) Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass
2) Ariana Grande - Problem
3) Fall Out Boy - Centuries
4) Capital Cities - Safe and Sound
5) Kelly Clarkson - Heartbeat Song
6) Ariana Grande - Break Free
What are some of your favourite work out songs?
Take Me Away to Better Days
Top- Forever 21
Jeans- Uniqlo
Jacket- Zara
Shoes- Converse
Bag- ANS
Sunglasses- Primark
We visited Tai O, known as the Venice of Hong Kong, a few weeks ago purely for the prospects of seeing some Chinese White dolphins.Tai O is a little island situated near Tung Chung of Hong Kong. Popular for it's sunsets (which we also managed to not see), stilt houses and seafood.
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It was really scenic walking around this quaint village, and we were so amazed with how the people lived too. This village supports itself from earning it's income through fishing and selling local made items to tourists. It is the only island in Hong Kong with the traditional stilt houses too, so if you ever visit Hong Kong, I would recommend you to see this place whilst you can! Hopefully you can catch a sight of the dolphins ;)
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